LPA changes ensure producers can stand by what they sell

The changes are designed to ensure Australian red meat maintains its global reputation and stays ahead of its competitors. They will ensure our integrity system continues to meet customer expectations, and will give producers the evidence to stand by what they sell.

From 1 October 2017, the new LPA program requirements will include:

  • On-farm biosecurity and animal welfare practices become requirements of your LPA Accreditation.
  • LPA-accredited producers will need to renew LPA accreditation every three years. As part of this producers will need to complete an assessment and pay a $60 (plus GST) fee every three years.
  • Online learning modules will be available to help producers understand their obligations.
  • A free electronic LPA National Vendor Declaration (LPA eNVD) will be available.

On-farm Biosecurity requirements

From 1 October 2017, accredited LPA producers will need to have a Farm Biosecurity Plan to:

  • Minimise the risk of introducing and spreading infectious diseases on their properties.
  • Manage and record the introduction and movement of livestock.
  • Control and record people, equipment and vehicles entering the property, where practical and reasonable.
  • Control and regularly monitor livestock health on farm.
  • Ensure all livestock movements between owners are accompanied by an Animal Health Statement (or equivalent).

Animal welfare requirements

From 1 October 2017, LPA accredited producers will need to demonstrate that their on-farm handling of livestock is consistent with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines (S&Gs) available at www.animalwelfarestandards.net.au.

Those responsible for livestock management will need to have a copy of the Standards and Guidelines, be familiar with it's content, and advise and oversee others handling livestock in a manner that is consistent with the Standards and Guidelines.

Completing the animal welfare online learning module will support you in understanding what you need to do on farm. Visit www.mla.com.au/LPALearning to help you understand what the requirements mean for your business.

Where to Start

As an LPA - accredited producer you need to:

Before 1 October 2017

  • Become familiar with the new biosecurity and animal welfare requirements. You can complete online training through www.mla.com.au/LPALearning, which has dedicated modules for biosecurity and animal welfare, as well as all of the other LPA elements.
  • Develop your Farm Biosecurity Plan.
  • Learn more about the changes to LPA by reading the FAQs www.mla.com.au/lpachanges.

From 1 October 2017

  • Ensure that your on-farm systems meet the new requirements.
  • Have your Farm Biosecurity Plan in place.
  • Ensure your on-farm handling of livestock is consistent with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for cattle, sheep or goats.
  • Complete the assessment and pay the fee - when your accreditation is due.

More information

For more information on the LPA changes producers can access background information on all aspects of Australia's red meat integrity system at the Integrity Hub, https://www.mla.com.au/meat-safety-and-traceability/red-meat-integrity-system/

It includes information on the LPA program, the National Livestock Indentification System, LPA Learning and producer resources.

LPA Farm Biosecurity Plan Template
Alpa Notice: Changes to LPA

National Cattle Health Declaration

From 1 July 2017, Kempsey Stock & Land Pty Ltd will be encouraging vendors to provide a National Cattle Health Declaration along with their National Vendor Declaration (NVD) each time they sell.

You can download a fillable PDF National Cattle Health Declaration below.

National Cattle Health Declaration